Karaoke Room Project
Government fitness project
Line Array System
2 Set Power Amplifier
Guangzhou Zengyi Audio Equipment Co.,LTD attented 2018 Proligth+Sound,Guangzhou. Booth Hall 6.1 G81
Visit Thailand 2018 Show and Our customer booth
20-22 July,2018 Thailand Audio Show ,and our supply active amplifier part Small Line Array speaker 4*4* mini size,4 subbass+4 MiHi get Chanmpion.
22rd July,2018 Attend CSH GROUP 40th Year Anniversary
1.Attend CSH CROUP 40th Anniversary Dinner
2.Visit CSH GROUP Company and Office
3.Visit Warehouse
4.Visit Power Cord ,Cable workshop
5.Take local Durian
Speakers for the modern people is already the usual presence, when the price is no longer the first element of choice of speakers, styling has become a crucial plus conditions...